Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Coming Later: Players of the Week

Sorry, folks, but have been smoking busy today. Will work on POWs. Thanks for patience this week.


Anonymous said...

catholic has a game friday at manistee and then next week tuesday home against grand rapids south Christian then that Wednesday they have a game then friday

Anonymous said...

or its saturday .

Anonymous said...

schedual says, manistee fri, grsc tues (make-up), manistee wensday, RP saturday, mona monday (25th)

Anonymous said...

...and that's where their season ends...

Anonymous said...

cute...cocky, (probably right) but just a bit cocky for anyone with class.... eh sailor

Anonymous said...

not that i care but that would be more of an obvious confidence.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious to anyone who has played the game at a higher level
than high school or who truly understands the theory of the game
that neither of you have or you would just keep your mouths shut.

Anonymous said...

The theory of the game? What is the theory? Can it be proven?

Have most people who read/comment on the blogsite played hockey at a higher level than high school? Are most readers of the blogsite former NHL'ers?


- Ted Lindsay