Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ok Conference races coming down to the wire

I've never been very good at "playoff math" -- the formulas and figuring that you do to determine who has a chance to win the league title and who has to win or lose which games. Fortunately, Coach Mike Ballard has tutored me on the subject and here's the sum of it: the OK Conference races are coming down to the wire this week in all three tiers.

In Tier 1, it comes down to the Muskegon Mona Shores vs East Kentwood game this Friday 7:30 p.m. at Kentwood. If Mona wins, they win the title. If Kentwood wins, then Mona will need to reschedule its postponed game with Grandville and would need a win to capture the title.

In Tier 2, Forest Hills controls its own destiny and can win the title with a win against Kenowa Hills on Friday (8 p.m. @ Patterson). Kenowa can claim the title if they beat FHC and Reeths-Puffer and if Hudsonville loses to Jenison. Hudsonville can win it if they beat Jenison and FHC loses to Kenowa, but then Kenowa loses to Reeths-Puffer.

In Tier 3, Lowell/Caledonia can win the title outright with win against West Ottawa this Wednesday (8 p.m. @ the Edge). If West Ottawa win, the two teams would share the title.

Simple when you put it in these terms. The only caveat in this appears to be in Tier 1, where there is talk that Mona and Grandville will not be rescheduled and that both teams will get a point for the game. Still trying to confirm that and will send over to Professor Ballard to help me figure out the impact.


Anonymous said...

Based on the info at hand
Mona has 14 pts.
EK has 13.

EK win in regulation - EK 15 MS14

EK OT win = EK15 MS15

Mona OT win MS16 EK14

Mona reg. win = MS16 EK13

If EK wins in regulation and a nongame point award to MS for not playing Gville = EK15 MS15

If MS & Gville play

MS win = MS16 EK15
MS Loss = EK15 MS14
MS O/T Loss = MS15 EK15

Let's see what happens

Anonymous said...

Pass the Tylenol.

Anonymous said...

So your assessment of the MS & Grandville is based on if MS loses to EK in regulation?

Awarding points based on a game not played doesn't seem fair.

Anonymous said...

even though mona mercied gville the first time i still believe the one point to each team is fair. other opinions?

Anonymous said...

lI graduated from shores and I see the one point for grandville and shores is fair because shores still is guaranteed a share of conference, which would have probably happened at the very least if shores and grandville had played the second game because shores sercied Grandville the first time. But none of this math will matter anyways because shores will win on Friday and none of this talk will matter

Anonymous said...

it does matter because mona can still lose to ek and then beat grandville and win the conference, not share it, why would mona want to share it with ek? giving a point for a game not played is a terrible idea

Anonymous said...

League games need to take priority over non-league games. I think the way around this would be to institute a date, like February 1st, that all league games need to be done by. This way, if a makeup game needs to be completed, there is more time to do this.

Anonymous said...

If EK pulls off a clean win against Mona & a final game between Mona/Gville does not happen based on State Hockey rule timeframe, EK players or any other team in Tier One in the same situaiton may be happy. Players on all teams should be taught & I believe want to share /win titles because they have earned it - not due to system breakdown. Mona could have played Gville this week - Gville has non-league games that could have been postponed. All leaugue games should be played & an earlier deadline to finish league games makes sense. This would allow time to get in league games due to snow cancellations & avoid the points mess re: games not played. I am not a Mona fan but we should ensure the team that deserves to win based on all league games scheduled, does happen. Thank You for removing mean/cruel comments -they are uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

go fhc

Anonymous said...

go grand haven